воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Op naar Rhoon Voor de beker tegen tweede klasser WCR.� Eens kijken of we hier ook tegen bestand zijn.

'Het Tweede'� begon te slap aan de wedstrijd en werd ook voetballend duidelijk overklast door WCR. Het tweede punt was ingeschat, maar juist die opgestroopte mouwen, die zo kenmerkend zijn, bleven ook achter. In deze helft was het echter vrouwe Fortuna die met ons was want de eerste de beste voorzet van Martin werd door WCR zelf achter hun keeper geschoten. Nadat het 1-1 werd was het weer een speler van WCR die ons op voorsprong bracht door zelf te scoren: 1-2.� WCR kwam echter voor de rust nog op voorsprong dooe zowel gelijk te maken en de 3-2 te maken. Een zeer produktieve ploeg dus dat WCR met 5 goals voor de rust.

In de tweede helft kwam Rockanje beter uit de startblokken; het begon weer als vanouds te buffelen en had een paar heole goede kansen op op gelijke hoogte te komen. Helaas was het deze keer de afwerking op de goal die te wensen overliet. De gelijkmaker kwam echter wel, en deze keer van een voet van een Rockenees. De warrig fluitende scheidsrechter zag eindelijk eens een overtreding tegen ons en Yorrick mocht de vrije trap, net buiten de 16, nemen. Hij deed dit onberispelijk en krulde de bal prachtig over de muur: 3-3.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


"Some social and cultural anthropologists have paid close attention to these more complex ways of thinking about language, as Pierre Bourdieuapos;s (1991) and Emily Martinapos;s (1994) highly productive re-readings of sociolinguistics and the ethnography of communication suggest."

Was Emily actually an anthropologist in disguise, and are our high school experiences recorded in some ethnography somewhere?

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All my plans fell through today, but i am A-OK with that, because i have an assessment to work on and its due monday and i have no time to work on it sunday.
i have an editing assignment due friday so thats going to be the bulk of my next week. Which is exciting, but also scary.
i have alot of vision for it, its just hard to find a place to start you know.
but its going to be awesome.

i need to lay out. Or something. I just dont trust the grass here. There ants here are INTENSE. I dont trust anything that moves around here. It could all KILL�you. Pretty much.

girls night.
pizza. Movie. Ice cream.
im exited. I need it.

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Hey, look A non-Tweet entry :)

So, I got a cryptic email via AnimeVision from SciFi Channel UK a few weeks ago, with a cryptic request to talk to me about a "mutually-beneficial content distribution agreement". That was enough to make me curious, so I got back to them and was told that theyapos;d send through a apos;proposalapos; in a few days for me to look over. Nothing more than that said - all very mysterious, and I admit I had visions running through my head of, you know, actually getting paid to do this anime reviewing lark. Part of me would quite like to be a semi-professional writer.

Not to be, though. In return for becoming Guest Editor: Anime and agreeing to contribute a certain minimum number of original articles (no copy-pasting from AnimeVision, sadly), theyapos;d offer... A by-line and a link back to AV. Oh, and the prospect of maybe getting to appear in an anime-related documentary they may or may not make in the future.

So I decided to decline. Iapos;ve got enough on my plate at the moment, to be honest, and Iapos;m in no hurry to give anything up for something with a fixed commitment and no fixed return. Besides, Iapos;m far from telegenic. Fame and fortune will just have to wait.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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When I looked up on my walk home from school today that is what I saw, about fifteen lines of cloud zigzagging across the crystal blue sky as the sun sank along a bank of thunderclouds, sitting in pockets if I looked down streets facing west or east. If its clear when I wake up in the morning, its still dark, but when I walk to school,� I literally walk between the sun rising and the moon setting...between the sun and the moon. And my mp3 player provides the soundtrack :)
Today is Friday, always a day of tension and celebration. Because today is the day that we present autocours to the rest of the class and our teachers, then we have a huge lunch celebration usually at Charliapos;s (cause her au pair family is out and we can have tea in the nice flat while the baby sleeps) and then we go back to watch the afternoon group. Lunch of course comes from the bakery right next tot he school where for about 15euros we get enough baguette sandwhiches and pastries for 4-5 people which we eat with copious amounts of tea. My british friends totally make me laugh It appears that our best friend group is being created, which now consists of english Matt, Sean and Charli plus Canadian Viktor and I, with Geoff and Raffi in and out. Weapos;re all making friends with the others, and Iapos;m enjoying grabbing some french pals too, but this is our core group. Weapos;re all going to Charliapos;s uncleapos;s place in the country on Sunday Heapos;s invited our little group to have lunch and go wondering in a REAL forest with his three large dogs. Needless to say I canapos;t wait.
On the job front, Iapos;ve been hired as a substitue for a group called Sing and Play, very happy :) Waiting to hear from two more schools for english and still looking.
Last night, went to my first theatre show at theatre du soleil in the middle of Bois de Vincennes Its the theatre started by Ariane Mnouchkine, who I wrote a huge paper about in uni and saw so mann pictures of the space and now I have seen it for REAL *huge grin* I will add new photos of this spot. It looks like an old hangar, but it was softly lit, with bowls of roses and candles in water, well priced drinks and tasty Parisienne delectables. Its painted red too, with faded buddhas along the high side of one wall., and blankets on the bleacher like seats because its not properly insulated and it looked like there was a sky light for tech purposes. The play, I understood although all in french, and I loved it, except for the very harsh subject matter of two twin boys during the 2nd world war who are abused and harrased to the point where they train themselves to not feel pain, hunger, ending in the death of their father, grandmother, loss of the mother too know idea where she goes after she drops them off at grandmaapos;s...last line of the play "There is a way to get across the border, you have to let someone go before you". As you can tell, I was quite affected by the cruel story :P. But I loved everything else about the show.
As you can probably also tell, my dear readers, I am a bit rambly tonight and not so good with details, because I am exhausted. I coughed way too much last night as my body is trying to heal by dispelling my cold, and Iapos;ve been on the go all day. But its Alexapos;s first friday here, and the others have invited us out to go watch some episodes of West wing or some such, so I must play some loud rock music and get myself jumpstarted for another hour or two.
my love to you all...happy weekend :)

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"I remember the first time I heard apos;Timeapos;" my dad said. "I was hitch hiking to a friends house. The guy who was driving was excited about his new Pink Floyd 8-track. When the bells started ringing I was so terrified I jumped. The guy just laughed at me. Yep, it was right on Woodward and 8 Mile."
"Wonapos;t you just write a book already?"
"Why donapos;t you just write about it for me?"
"Well, all I really know is that you hitch hiked and did lots of drugs."
He nods.
"We went looking for girls a lot too."
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Playing tennis with an injured ankle, possibly not the best idea Iapos;ve ever had hearts;

Thank god for pain medication I managed to get through the match with itapos;s help, and yes, we lost... Abysmally But I think it was fun, at the time ^__^ My ankle was throbbing by the time An helped me limp back to my room, but like the saint she is, she helped me ice and re-bandage it, and then found me some water to dose me up again hearts; I really love that girl ^_^ Sheapos;s too good to me, really

These tutors though... I like them They let me nap in the corner now~ I think theyapos;ve stopped trying to teach me. But I had a valid reason today The pain meds knocked me out -_-;;;

Iapos;m glad that tomorrow, the talent contest wonapos;t have me moving about much. Just find me a chair, sit me down, and Iapos;ll do my stuff~

Ahaha That reminds me; anyone want to volunteer to be tested by the fates? ^__^ My talent? hearts; Tarot reading
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